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Committee of Management 2023/24

This year’s Annual General Meeting took place on 28th June at the Whiteinch Centre where elections to the committee of management were announced.


Ten positions were open for election, with one-third of the elected members (2) retiring and seeking re-election, alongside three co-opted members seeking election for the first time.

There was no need for a ballot as the number of candidates was not more than the number of vacancies and the two retiring members and three nominees were duly elected, bringing the total compliment of committee members to 10.


The Committee for 2023/24 is therefore:


·       Linda Stevenson (Chairperson)

·       Claudia Ennemoser (Chair of the Audit Subcommittee)

·       Jan Carmichael (Chair of the Staffing Subcommittee)

·       John Haughey

·       Rod Hunter

·       Debbie Keaveney

·       Linda Mimnagh

·       Maureen Burke

·       Cllr Lana McConnell

·       Gavin Johnston

If you think you might be interested in participating in the Committee, please contact the Office and the Chief Executive, James Ward, will be happy to discuss what is involved.

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