Office Bearers
Chairperson - Linda Stevenson - 23/06/2015
Vice-Chairperson - John Haughey - 29/09/2021
Secretary - Peter Latham - 26/06/2024
Other Committee Members and their joining dates:
Linda Mimnagh – 20/06/2012
Debbie Keaveney – 21/06/2018
Gavin Johnston – 28/06/2023
Lana Reid-McConnell – 28/06/2023
Maureen Burke – 28/06/2023
Emma McShane – 26/06/2024
Emily Dorrian – 26/06/2024
Suzanne Conlin– 26/06/2024
Rory Brown – 26/06/2024
Emma Howatt – 26/06/2024
Jennifer Simons – 26/06/2024
Declarations of Interest
We require our Committee Members to be open and honest about any connection they have which may conflict with their work for the Association.