Useful Telephone Numbers
- Scottish Gas Network (if you think there is a gas leak) 0800 111 999
- GCC Coronavirus info
- Graffiti, fly tipping and fly posting removal – 0300 343 7027
- Needle uplift - 0141 287 9700
- Water mains leakage or bursts - 0845 600 8855
- Roads and lighting faults - 0800 37 36 35
- Police Scotland - 101
- Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111
- Abandoned cars - 0141 276 0859
- Noise Pollution - 0141 287 6688
- Neighbourhood, Regeneration and Sustainability – 0800 027 3901
(if calling from a mobile – 0141 287 1057 or 0141 276 7400) - Dog Fouling Team – 0300 343 7027
- Vermin Infestation – 0141 287 1059