Who We Work With
We work strategically with our own subsidiary companies, WS Property Management Ltd. and WS Estate Services Ltd. Any surpluses generated by these organisations are given back to the Association in the form of Gift Aid. We use this to fund activities in support of our work.
We work with Whiteinch Centre Limited, who partner us in the running of the Whiteinch Centre building.
We also have a Service Level Agreement with Glasgow City Council Neighbourhoods, Regeneration & Sustainability Services to provide us with support in relation to anti-social behaviour.
The companies we contract with to deliver services to the organisation are detailed in our Contracts Register.
We receive funding from Glasgow City Council to deliver a programme of adaptations to tenants' homes to enable them to stay independent longer. The most recent Funding Report was presented to Committee in May 2020.
We are members of a number of organisations who support us in our work.
Our Auditors
Currently we are audited by the following companies
External Audit (who audit our accounts)
Third Floor, Centenary House, 69 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HG
T: +44 141 285 3900 | W: www.rsmuk.com
Internal Audit (who check our working systems and processes)
4 Atlantic Quay, 70 York Street, Glasgow G2 8JX
T: +44 (0)141 248 3761 | W: www.bdo.co.uk